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Cover of “从基督教世界到使徒使命:使徒时代的牧灵策略”

每个人类社会都具有道德和精神上的想象力, 一组假设, 以及看待事物的方式,生活就是根据这种方式进行的. This essay is an attempt to contribute effective strategies to engage our own time and culture once more with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and – for a weary world – to awaken the 天主教 imaginative vision.




我们生活在一个高度宗教化的时代. 我们身边到处都是应许救赎的世俗福音和教条信仰. 那么信仰体系是什么呢, 宗教视野, 它正在取代基督教,成为我们后基督教的假设叙事, 现代社会? 我们自己需要改变的宗教是什么, 如果我们要完全皈依基督教信仰?




A 天主教 university should invite students into a community of profound 知识 conversion. Its atmosphere is alive with the gaudium de veritate of Saint Augustine, the joy in the truth. 只是有, 在走廊尽头的教室或实验室里, 是但丁的《MG冰球突破试玩》中的“麻木”还是心灵的惊讶. 有很多方法可以实现这种转换, 但如果没有教师队伍,这是不可能实现的. 他们是生命之源.




今天的社会和人类都有远见,有想象力,有道德,有精神, un conjunto de supuestos y formas de ver las cosas de acuerdo con las cuales se desarrolla la vida. Este ensayo es el resultado de un esfuerzo por contribuir con estrategias efectivas para comprometer una vez mas a la cultura de nuestro tiempo con el Evangelio de Jesucristo y - en un mundo abatido - despertar la vision imaginativa catolica.




拉里·伍德讲述了托马斯·韦尔德修女非凡的一生, Benedictine Sister of Annunciation Monastery and the fifth president of the University of Mary. 北达科他州的一个高耸的人物, 托马斯修女是第一个黛安娜, a girl in whom the trace of her future influence was evident from the beginning—in her capacity for endurance amid suffering, 她的爱和关注的安逸, 她那标志性的宽宏大量加上她的谦逊.


天主教高等教育的复兴:天主教研究述评. Briel

Cover of 天主教高等教育的复兴:天主教研究述评. Briel

This book began at the Twenty Years of 天主教 Studies Conference held at the University of Mary in 2014. 天主教研究的教授、校友和学者们聚集在一起庆祝. Briel’s enormous contributions to 天主教 Studies programs nationwide and to reflect on ways to impact 天主教 higher education more broadly.




At the heart of any thriving enterprise is the unflagging energy of innovators who believe in the power of the imagination, 看不见的呼唤, 以及有原则的自我牺牲的永恒价值. In 激情的遗产:谢尔一家的故事, 拉里·伍德揭开了这一驱动器的面纱, 的决心, and drama of personality that built one of the top sporting-goods retailers in the nation: SCHEELS, 这是一家五代家族企业,在15个州拥有超过24家特许经营权. 勾勒出每一代人愿景的独特印记, Woiwode chronicles the key events that propelled SCHEELS through the ranks and paints a rich portrait of the family whose bold resolve primed the company for lasting success.




“这是一个关于加里·萨拉德森惊人成就的非凡故事. 从零开始, 他自己建了400多家酒店, 没有合作伙伴,比世界上任何一个人都多. 对全国的年轻人来说,这是多么大的鼓舞啊!——鲁迪·鲁蒂格, 励志演说家和1993年电影《鲁迪》的主角,,被美国电影学会评为最佳励志电影之一. “加里是如此接地气,他实际上是在地下. I was one of the fortunate ones because Gary shared everything with us: his building costs and operating numbers, 哪些是行业中的佼佼者, 以及他是如何创造它们的.——Bruce White, White Lodging的董事长、创始人兼首席执行官.




《MG冰球突破试玩》讲述了弗兰克·拉尔森的故事, 一个高尚的, 脚踏实地的北达科他州, 谁的客户, 竞争对手, 工作人员, 朋友, 并被家人形容为真正的绅士. 和他的妻子Jo Andrea, 50年前的1月1日,弗兰克买下了拉尔森家族的第一家银行, 1969, 在农业社区奥克斯, ND. 如今,Starion在北达科他州有12家分店,在威斯康星州有3家. Starion is a high-performing financial institution with an asset growth rate of 22 percent over the last five years and enjoys a five-star rating from Baurer Financial.




漆黑的夜晚, St。. 约翰的十字架,和 内部城堡, St。. 阿维拉的特蕾莎, are the guides Father Wayne Sattler uses to explore the path of 祈祷 leading to contemplation. 在他自己的道路上, 这最终导致了一个教区隐士生活的召唤, Father Sattler began to more deeply appreciate the sound guidance of these two saints for understanding ‘what God does in 祈祷.



Learning to Lead


Learning to Lead recounts the journey of the University from a small women’s college to a thriving community of learners. 期的评论, 照片, 第一手帐户, 还有校友的回忆, 管理员, and 朋友 tell the fascinating story of the evolution of America’s Leadership University from its earliest days. How monastic love of learning and desire for God and the example of its pioneer founders have been expressed in Mary’s  Christian, 天主教, Benedictine identity and her unique commitment to leadership through service is a tribute to the past and a promise to the future.



Jacob Well封面

邀请遇到引导游客通过发生多米尼教堂, drawing attention to details in the architecture and artwork designed to foster an intimate encounter with the Lord. It also includes a personal retreat given by Monsignor James Shea based on five specific encounters depicted in the space: the Annunciation; the Presentation; Jesus and the woman at the well; Jesus and the Magdalen on Easter morning; and Benedict and Scholastica in the storm.


Christ, the Wisdom of God – Retreat Conferences for the 教师 of the University of Mary

《基督》封面, “神的智慧—MG冰球突破试玩教职员退修会”,由Dr. 克里斯托弗·布卢姆

Teachers can receive no better guidance than to be inspired by the greatest teacher of all. Christ’s ministry on earth embodied the wisdom that can elevate the quality of instruction of any faculty member, 尤其是那些在各级教会学校教书的人. 以喜乐、谦卑、正直和刚毅的态度学习基督的教训. 基督,上帝的智慧,是无可挑剔的研究与圣经为基础. 这篇文章是根据布朗博士的一系列演讲改编而成的. 克里斯托弗·布鲁姆在北达科他州俾斯麦的MG冰球突破试玩与教师一起静修.




In 2017, 美国全国福音-天主教对话, 由美国天主教主教会议和MG冰球突破试玩赞助, 完成为期四年的称义原则讨论. 在每一次年度会议上, members presented background papers that formed the basis of that meeting’s discussions and became the starting point for constructing a common statement. 这些共同的陈述和背景文件构成了这本书. 很意外, the members of the dialogue discovered many points of convergence on the subject of justification.



丹尼尔·比林斯基制作的“北达科他州大战之声”戏剧的封面 & Dr. 约瑟夫•斯图尔特.

This play was a collaboration between the history and theater programs at the University of Mary. 历史 students researched the World War I Scrapbooks Collections at the North Dakota State Archives. 以这些信件为基础, 我们创作了一部原创的戏剧作品, adding music and poetry from the Great War and improvising scenes based on the real letters. 我们相信他们为北达科他州创造了一个非常有个人意义的节目. 丹尼尔Bielinski & Dr. 约瑟夫•斯图尔特.




亚历山大·哈佛, 有俄国血统的法国人, 记录他的道德, 知识, 和精神发展在1968年后的法国成长. 他反对同时代激进的世俗价值观,信奉基督教. 同时, Havard traces his roots back to Russia and follows cultural and political developments in the final years of the Soviet Union. He prays that someday he will be able to contribute to the spiritual revival of his beloved ancestral homeland. 最后,他的祈祷以戏剧性的方式实现了.




Fr. 瓦莱里安·帕切克的墓碑很简单,没有任何赞美之词. His obituary in the Lidgerwood Monitor contained only a brief mention of his military past. 他从1935年到1945年在波兰军队服役, 1945年至1950年在英国军队担任高级牧师.这就是印刷出来的全部内容:没有提到战俘营、战斗、军衔或奖章. 然而,这正是他所希望的. 事后看来,我们可以说这句话概括了他的一生:一个牧师,一个士兵,一个安静的英雄.


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